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009055 - Treasures. Fortunes lost and found. Computer game included

Treasures. Fortunes lost and found. Computer game included

Glenn Murphy
05.10.2012 TEA
1. edition
64 p.
240 x 275 mm.
Hard cover
Price: 22.90 €

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The treasure book of the ''Infinity series'' series takes you on an exciting trip of exploration of the world of lost and recovered treasures. What happened to the objects that sunk with the Titanic? How are large gold and precious stone shipments surfaced from the depths of the seas? How to search for treasures hidden under ground? You can also read about known treasure hunters and infamous pirates, the opening of Tutanhamon's crypt and the El Dorado mystery.
The book includes and interactive computer game, that lets you test your knowledge and skills. To reach the goal you have to pass seven levels, after they have been completed, the treasure room door will open. Completing the assignments and answering the questions are all the more interesting thanks to the visually compelling background images and exciting sounds.
''Knowledge'' is an innovative series, it's resourceful approach provides a gripping, invigorating learning experience. Let's expand our knowledge!

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Ajaloo fantastiline maailm

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11.06.2013 TEA
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The twelfth volume of the Encyclopedia is in print

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Pole võimalik lisada toodet, kuna teie ostukorvis on juba olemas toode, mida on võimalik tellida ainult otsekorraldusega

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Pole võimalik lisada toodet, kuna ostukorvis on juba ettetellitav toode. Ettetellitavaid tooteid on võimalik tellida ainult teistest toodetest eraldi.
