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007949 - The Golden Book of World Fairy Tales

The Golden Book of World Fairy Tales

25.05.2017 TEA Publishers
2. edition
300 p.
245x225 mm.
Full colored print
Hard cover


The Golden Book of World Fairy Tales is a book in the series of the successful Golden Books. The voluminous collection includes 33 most well-known and beloved fairy tales from all over the world. These are the stories that last from generation to generation. The book contains the best tales of the Brothers Grimm, for example, “„Hansel and Gretel”, „The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids”, „Little Red Riding Hood”, „Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, „Mother Hulda” and „The Valiant Little Tailor”; Hans Christian Andersen’s well-known stories, for example, „The Ugly Duckling”, „The Emperor’s New Clothes”, „Thumbelina”, and „The Princess and the Pea”; Charles Perrault’s beloved tales, for example, „Puss in Boots” and „Cinderella”; and many other nice fairy tales from around the world, for example, „The Tree of Secrets”, „The Little Scarlet Flower (The Beauty and the Beast)”, „Goldilocks and the Three Bears”.
The Golden Book of World Fairy Tales is a voluminous selection of fairy tales as well
as a reference book provided with the authors’ register and the illustrators’ register.

Illustrated by: Valdek Alber, Anneliis Aunapuu, Katrin Ehrlich, Kaie Lilleorg, Anne Linnamägi, Andrei Lobanov, Ülle Meister, Anni Mäger, Kristina Reineller, Veera Staniševskaja, Maarja Vannas-Raid


The twelfth volume of the Encyclopedia is in print
The twelfth volume of the Encyclopedia is in print

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